Around the World in 80 Men Page 3
Then, she would take the young girl for a day of pampering and beautifying, along with a few hours of clothes shopping, and her young prodigy should be ready for her first client.
Chapter Four
Morgan arrived at the Windsor with ten minutes to spare. She had showered, and threw all the clothes that she could fit into her one pink suitcase. Then in the bathroom, her sink was relieved of the few beauty products that she owned, and dropped inside of her near empty flowered cloth bag. After a quick run through of the small apartment, she found her one small photo album that she had saved from childhood, and her tiger blanket; all of which were thrown into the back of her decrepit green Vega.
The entire process had taken less than thirty minutes, and she made it to the hotel with time to spare. As Morgan stood outside of Julianne's room, she knew that there was no turning back. The young woman had already turned in her keys, and told Mrs. Wilcox that she had to leave town to tend to her mother. The lie was uncomfortable since Morgan hadn't seen her mother in nearly four years, but it was the only thing that would convince her landlady to break the lease. Standing outside of the decorative white door, Morgan shook the thoughts of her childhood from her mind, and knocked weakly.
The door opened to reveal a very pretty, and very energetic Julianne. “Good morning, Morgan. Please, come in.” The older woman smiled, and moved to the side to allow Morgan to enter.
Once in the main room, a man stood from the couch and walked immediately to Morgan's side, taking her bags from her hands. He carried them to another room, and returned, standing beside Julianne. Morgan handed Julianne her medical report, then clasped her hands together nervously. She appreciated the fact that Julianne expected her to be healthy, and critter free in the parts that count.
“Morgan, this is Dennis. He'll be helping us this morning with a few lessons.” Julianne motioned to the handsome man at her side.
Morgan looked him over, thoughts of lessons filled her mind with questions about what his role would be. She didn't have to over think it, it was clear what she would have to do with him. Her heart began to race, and her mouth went dry with nerves. She wanted to run away. Maybe Mrs. Wilcox will understand, and she could get her apartment back. Maybe she should stay and see if she could go through with it. Maybe.
Dennis stepped forward, and took Julianne's hand gently into his. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Morgan.” He raised her small hand to his mouth, and brushed his full lips against her skin.
That was...nice. Morgan smiled, and returned the greeting. Then she looked to Julianne for their next move.
Before anyone else could speak, another men entered the room. He had clearly just taken a shower, as water was still dripping from his short black hair. He didn't wait for an introduction. “Morgan, I'm Cade.” Mr. Dripping Hair reached for her hand, and took it boldly into his. He held on to her for a few seconds longer than needed, and said, “It's going to be very nice to fuck you.”
He smiled at her reaction, then turned around and took a seat on the white sofa in front of large bay windows.
Morgan found her words, almost. “I, uh, I don't think, I mean..”
“Oh Morgan, he's just testing you dear. The truth is, you'll meet all sorts of men with different feelings towards sex.” Julianne motioned to the blonde man beside her, “for example, Dennis here has a more gentle approach. I'm sure he wants you, and would be thrilled with a long night of passion and tenderness.” Then she turned around, and pointed briefly at Cade, “then we have men like Cade, who are full of themselves, and believe that you would be the benefactor of an afternoon delight.”
Julianne walked into the kitchenette, and offered everyone coffee. As she poured their caffeine laden drinks, she continued, “have a seat, Morgan. We have so much information to cover, and the quicker we get started, the quicker you can, well, get started.”
Morgan kept her head down, avoiding eye contact with either men, and sat on a plush white chair beside the sofa. She put her hands in her lap, and waited.
“How is it Morgan, that you excite a man? What do you do when you begin to make love?” Julianne handed the young woman her coffee, then seated herself beside Dennis.
Morgan was taken aback by the question, and doubt again was creeping through her mind. She took a shaky breath, and tried to find the words to answer Julianne.
“Uh, I, would get undressed and I would, I don't know....I would..,” Morgan thought of the night before, and replayed the scene in her mind. Jack had certainly been aroused, and he had no doubt about what she had wanted.
“I would climb onto his lap, and kiss his neck or his chest.” That sounded good enough, any man would react to that move.
Julianne smiled, and looked down at her cup. When she looked back up, Morgan's face had turned red with Julianne's reaction.
“Oh Morgan, don't be embarrassed. We're here to teach you, and it's important to know what you need to learn.” The older woman leaned back onto the sofa, and took a drink before she continued.
“Morgan, what you're talking about is physical stimulation. That's not hard to do, considering a hot blooded male could be stimulated by an allergy commercial if the woman on TV were wearing short enough shorts. I'm talking about excitement, arousal. Do you know the difference?” Julianne's serious look made Morgan feel a little better. She would prefer a direct conversation over subtle smiles and awkward silence.
“Well, I guess I don't. I'm sorry.” Morgan looked at her feet, and refused to look up in fear of the condescending smile again.
For the following two hours, Julianne taught Morgan the very essence of seduction. The Holy Grail of arousal, and the difference between stimulation, and excitement. Morgan listened to every word, and often cringed at her past behavior, and how very wrong she had approached the opposite sex.
Morgan's way to seduction had always been the same; flirt, smile, let a man know that she was interested. That would often times lead to interest, which led to a date, then led to sex on occasion. What Morgan learned was that available and attractive men have that opportunity quite often, so Morgan had never shined in any specific way. In fact, she let herself be forgettable. It was a shame, Julianne had told her, because Morgan's beauty had been wasted thus far due to a simple flaw in her delivery.
“You could have gotten a man's attention in that way. It's always possible for feelings to grow from sex. But it's rare, and you were destined to remain single for quite some time if you thought sex would land a long term mate.”
That hit home the hardest for Morgan, because until that moment, she didn't realize that she had done just that. It also explained her disappointment when it never happened for her.
The subtleties made all the difference in true arousal. Making a man want her, without throwing herself at him with childish smiles and flirtation. The game had to be different, and Morgan had learned a lifetime of knowledge in one afternoon.
The way a woman walks, the clothes she wears, her scent, and the way she gazes into a man's eyes for a brief moment, were all the necessary factors in the game. The best hand to play, was to make any man feel lucky to have her after he'd been tortured with desire. The torture could last for minutes, or days, it didn't matter. But she had to make him feel as if he was getting a rare and valuable prize.
“Now Morgan, it's up to you to choose which man you'll practice on. Will you play it safe, and pick Dennis? Or do you think you're ready for someone who knows that you already want him?' Julianne's face held a seriousness that intimidated Morgan, and the young girl didn't want to make the wrong choice.
Morgan stood up, feeling empowered with her new information, and walked to Julianne's side in the middle of the room. She looked at Dennis, his blonde hair and blue eyes screaming 'boy next door.' Then over to Cade, with his short dark hair, whiskey colored eyes, and the cockiness that she had always been attracted to.
She started to walk forward, and Julianne clenched her hands at her sides, waiting for the choice to be made.
She released her fingers when Morgan stood in front of Cade.
She looked into Cade's eyes, seeing desire already present as he looked at her, “you said that you couldn't wait to fuck me. Well, now's your chance to prove it.” Morgan turned her back, and walked slowly into the bedroom, swaying her hips a little more than usual.
Cade didn't speak, he stood and followed her, closing the door behind him. Julianne smiled at Dennis, and motioned for him to leave with her. They would go to the lounge downstairs, and wait for the verdict on her young hopeful.
Cade stood, leaning against the bedroom door, as he stared at Morgan. She had already sat on the end of the bed, and looked back at him with a casual expression on her face.
“Well, what is it you think you can do that hasn't been done already? How will you please me?” Cade started walking slowly over to her, unbuttoning his shirt on the way.
“It's not what I'll do for you, Cade.” She turned her head sideways, “it's what you're going to do for me.” The man stopped in his tracks, and smiled at the beauty.
“And what will I do for you?” His smile nearly melted her resolve, but she continued.
“First, you'll leave your clothes on until I want them off. For now, come here and undress me...slowly.” She leaned back, allowing him to start removing her clothes.
He took the final steps to the bed, then put his knee beside her, then the other, until he had straddled her hips. She could see right in front of her that he was hard, the outline of a very large prize was trying to entice her touch. She resisted, it wasn't her old life any longer, and she would enjoy being pleased by the gorgeous man.
He reached between his own legs to grab the bottom of her tee shirt, and slowly pulled it over her head. He tossed it on the floor beside the bed, and looked down at her large breasts. “Very nice, Morgan.” He started to touch her, but she shook her head and smiled.
“No, take off my bra first.” She tilted her head to the side, and watched him as he unhooked the front clasp, and she sat up a bit to allow him to take it off completely. When he looked down at her again, his hands moved slowly to her hard pink nipples.
“Cade, not with your hands. Touch them with your mouth.” Morgan leaned back entirely, and rested her head on an oversized pillow.
He moved his body down, and straddled her knees. Cade slowly lowered his upper body, and took an erect nipple into his mouth. His hot tongue sent waves of pleasure through Morgan's body, down to her heating core. “Gently, Cade, use your teeth.” A soft moan came from his full mouth, and the sound added to Morgan's pleasure.
He held her hard pink nipple between his teeth, and gently moved his mouth back and forth, bringing white hot pulses of pleasure from his mouth. She wanted more, needed more. “That feels so good...use your tongue.” Morgan's head pushed deeper into the pillow as he nipped and sucked her needy bud. “The other one.” As his mouth moved from one breast to the other, she moaned in displeasure at the loss, then a quick intake of breath as his mouth took hold again.
As his mouth worked miracles, she reached down and wrapped her fingers around his wrist. Morgan moved his hand to her waist, forcing him to remove her pants while his mouth stayed busy. He did. Cade tossed her jeans and panties in the same place as her shirt, and moaned loudly when Morgan wrapped her bare legs around his waist. She pulled him down with her legs, expecting to feel his mouth on her moistened center.
She wanted him inside of her, pleasure had mounted to the point of explosion, but she put her hands on the top of his head, and pushed gently to help him get to her pulsing clit faster. She tried to keep focus on the goal, to extend the torment for both of them.
As his mouth closed in around their target, she squirmed upward and he followed her body with every movement. The feeling was over powering, and his tongue danced back and forth over the swollen part that nearly made her climax within seconds. “Put your finger inside of me.” As he slid his middle finger into her hot wet canal, she pushed her body down on his hand, and forced a more penetrating entrance. Morgan's body took over, and she arched her back to allow him to go even deeper. Cade pulled his finger back, then inserted two on his next thrust. He picked up the pace, and the feel of his mouth and fingers had Morgan squeezing her eyes shut hard with pleasure that kept her on the fine line between climax and euphoria. “Slow down, god Cade, slow down.” Her breathy plea brought a smile to his face that she could feel against her body.
She put her hand on his head, and told him to sit up. When he was above her, she told him to remove his clothes where he was. It took some maneuvering, but she was quickly rewarded with what she had wanted to see since they started.
His beautiful cock was right in front of her, throbbing with desire. She wanted to wrap her fingers around it, to taste the gorgeous man that had her near to panting with crazed desire.
“Touch yourself, stroke your cock for me.” She licked her lips, and never removed her eyes from his silky manhood. He brought his hand to his mid section, and hesitated. “Do it, give yourself pleasure for me.” She never looked up, she just waited for the show.
He continued the move, and wrapped his fingers around himself. “You have a beautiful cock, Cade. Stroke it slowly, I want to hear the pleasure that you give yourself.” Cade moaned at her words, and wanted only to drive himself into her sweet body. It was torture for him, to be so close to her wet pussy, and not yet be allowed to feel her surround him. She tasted so good, and he wanted to have her all over him.
His hand felt good around himself, and he squeezed the head before stroking his entire length. He could come, he knew that it would take only a few fast strokes, and he would spill his seed all over the front of the beautiful girl that he had writhing in pleasure only seconds before. He dropped his head back, and slowly moved his hand up and down in front of her. When the first drops of clear liquid began to show from the head, she leaned forward and couldn't resist a taste. Morgan's tongue slid over the top of his dick, and he moaned louder, his sounds begging her to continue. His hand slowed, and other hand wrapped around the back of her head. She shook her head back and forth, and put her hand on his to continue.
Her lips closed around his tip, and her tongue danced around the opening, forcing more of the salty treat to her mouth. He continued to stroke his length while she kept her mouth fixed only to the large throbbing head of his cock.
When the pleasure was too much for Cade, he nudged her gently from him, “if you keep doing that, I'll come.” When she met his gaze, his eyes burned an intense desire that she had never seen in another man before. That look, it was the most exciting thing that she had ever seen.
“Fuck me, Cade.” Her voice was deeper than her normal sound.
The man wasted no time, he was between her legs before she could move up on the bed. “Don't go slow, I want fucked like you mean it.”
His mouth came down hard on her own, and he parted her lips quickly with his tongue. She could taste herself on him, and she licked the inside of his mouth, enjoying the sensation of his moans at what she was doing.
He grabbed the base of his dick, and rubbed it along her swollen wet lips until he found her entrance. When he did, he plunged inside of her and each thrust of his thick cock filled her completely to the point of almost painful. She could only manage to move slightly under his great size, but the lack of her own movement brought her more pleasure, and Morgan pushed him in deeper with her legs. Cade could no longer hold back when Morgan's grip around his body tightened even more, and orgasmic spasms tightened her walls around him in a death grip that drove him over the edge.
It was only a few intense moments, and Cade brought his head up again. With a loud moan, then holding his breath, she felt his manhood jerk inside of her, and the sweet hot liquid shoot beyond her clenching walls.
“Well Dennis, it's been an hour, do you think it went well?” Julianne didn't get her answer from Dennis.
Her lunch date looked beyond her shoulder and nodded in th
e direction of the lounge entrance. “I believe you're about to get your answer.”
Cade and Morgan made their way through the lounge, and the dark haired man pulled a chair out for Morgan. He stood behind the pretty young girl, and said, “Julianne, she's perfect.”
Chapter 5
“This one is beautiful!” Morgan clasped her hands around the waist of the full-busted mannequin and looked into its lifeless eyes before dropping her gaze back to the dress. She tried to imagine herself in the red gown, then wondered where she would even wear such a beautiful piece. Her fingers ran down the side until her hand reached the little white tag, $699.99. For a dress? Jesus Christ.
Morgan sighed, dropped the tag and took a few paces back to continue admiring the dress. She hadn't noticed Julianne at her side, sipping golden champagne from a tall glass, until she spoke, “Gorgeous gown, isn't it?”
“Oh!” Morgan gasped, startled at Julianne's presence, “I didn't know you were there. Yes, it is lovely.” She followed it up with a nervous laugh and her cheeks flooded in embarrassment.
Morgan had been raised by a single mother, one that simply flitted though life and was always on the lookout for number one. Prom? That was laughable. Morgan had saved just enough money from her part-time waitressing job to buy a secondhand dress at a local thrift store, only to have one of the straps break during her first slow dance. Lucky enough, she had covered her boob before the whole junior class got a peek. She hadn't even bothered showing up for her senior prom.
Before Morgan could speak again, Julianne snapped her fingers, getting the attention of one of the store clerks. “This one,” she told the pretty brunette woman. She explained to the girl, Mary as her name tag stated, the size needed and also ordered a pair of matching high heels.